Saturday, January 3, 2009


It's been a while now- not much going on worthy of mocking or sharing I suppose.  Today though I have hit my limit! Why is it that some folks grow up learning right from wrong, good from bad, and somehow NEVER learn what etiquette means? 
When you get an invitation for something in the mail or by phone or email and you KNOW that second that you can not attend or go or participate- RSVP!!!!!
Maybe it's because so few of the people I know speak French- you know b/c RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase "Respondez S'il Vous Plait." In English folks, in just means REPLY TO ME PLEASE! 
I am not 12, my mother should not have to remind me to respond, and if I am throwing a party should I really have to send out emails, text messages and voice mails to hear from my guests? It's just getting a little tiresome... 
Maybe these people that never respond have never been a host or hostess, they don't know what goes into throwing  a party. Well, let me tell you, food needs to be bought and made, drinks need to be purchases, chairs, couches and seats for all need to be found, and in some cases door prizes/gift bags need to be made. All of this takes time and most people plan on knowing the exact numbers by the RSVP deadline. When people don't RSVP in time it really just puts stress on the hostess- and let me just say- you never want your hostess to be stressed! 

PLEASE PEOPLE- let's have a fabulous 2009- RSVP in TIME!!! 

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