Thursday, October 2, 2008


1. A guy asked me the other day if I had any "albino" in me because there was no way I could be this pale and live in Southern California. Nice uh?

2. This guy kept coming up to the bar for another beer. And every time I turned around he would flip open the container with the lemons, limes and olives and grab some olives. I found this to be completely disgusting! If he had asked me for some olives I would have given him a entire cup full. But I don't want his dirty hands in the container- where have they been? When did he wash last? 
So I had to think of something clever....
The next time he came up to get a drink I asked him if he worked in an office. He said, "yes." I asked, "Do you have an office w your own desk?" Again the answer was yes. Then I asked, "Do people come into your office, open your drawers and take your pens while you are working?"

He had a blank stare, but the 3 people at the bar got it!

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